Lupin, The Keto Diet, and a Healthier Lifestyle


While the benefits of a ketogenic diet are well known, what is less recognised is how well lupin complements the culinary side of keto.

At The Lupin Co, we love getting feedback from people swapping Australian Sweet Lupin into traditional meals to develop appetising keto recipes, creating low carb alternative versions they couldn’t otherwise continue to enjoy on a keto diet plan.

The Appeal of a Keto Diet

While many modern eating plans focus heavily on some form of carbs for energy, keto is about training the body to use fat as the energy source. This change in primary fuel source is achieved by the body entering a state of ketosis.

Positive benefits of this metabolic state include lower blood sugar levels and weight loss. A keto diet assists some epileptics in reducing seizures, but those with health conditions should check with their doctor before beginning.

Why Our Lupin Works so Well

Australian sweet lupin beans contain less carbohydrates than white flour, chickpeas and brown rice, for starters, making them perfect for your keto diet. Even better, they’re packed with positive benefits like fibre, protein, minerals and antioxidants. Want to know more details read here: Lupins and Health Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review

Keep in mind, that Australian Sweet Lupin is different to American and Mediterranean varieties which are high in bitter alkaloids and for which there is a regulated approved limit. Australian plant breeders have created a much lower alkaloid variety, meaning no bitter taste, so no additional wet/dry process is required to make our beans palatable.

Vegetarian Keto Diet

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to keto. Many people have other dietary requirements that need to be incorporated into their eating plan. For example, vegetarians will want to keep their options free of certain animal products.

Happily, many vegetarian meals suit a keto diet. Try 5 Minute Grain-free Cacao Lupin Granola (replacing honey with a keto-friendly sweetener like Stevia) and Lupin Falafel Power Bowl with variations to suit your daily quotas.

Vegan Keto Diet

Hummus is a popular vegan food. But chickpeas mean keto servings remain small. A hummus recipe swapping in Australian Sweet Lupin is very keto-friendly, not to mention delicious, and our lupin is a great source of vegan protein.

Vegan keto bread is a staple for many. Try making your favourite bread recipes with a portion of bread flour replaced with lupin flakes or lupin flour. Clever use of Sweet Australia Lupin can help render classic vegan recipes keto-friendly. We have a fantastic guide on baking with lupin flour so keep watch on our socials for the launch coming soon in 2022.

Gluten-Free Keto Diet

Keto is low carb and described as low gluten. But with care and research, it is possible to ensure a gluten-free diet plan through careful selections and substitutions. This will suit people requiring a strict gluten-free diet, like those with coeliac disease.

The lupin flakes from The Lupin Co are gluten-free, making them a great replacement for standard grains and rice and perfect for crumbing. Check out our gluten-free recipes, most of which can be adapted to suit keto needs and flavour preferences.

Have a browse through The Lupin Co Website

Our recipe section includes a number of tasty and healthy meals, desserts and snacks sure to inspire your keto cooking. You can also go to the How To Cook section, and sign up to receive our free The Lupin Co. recipe book for inspiration!

Browse through our website or call us today on +61 8 6263 1140.