6 Reasons Why You Need To Eat Lupin
Lupin is a yellow coloured bean with the husk removed and comes from the legume family. This powerful, complete food has been around for ages. However, it’s the naturally bitter taste and high alkaloid content of current Mediterranean and South American species that have discouraged most people from including it in their meals. Traditionally, the consumption of lupini beans in Italy for example involves methodical boiling and soaking just to tone down its bitterness. However, Australian Sweet Lupins has now been developed and is beginning to make its way into the plates of vegans, keto dieters, coeliacs, and anyone trying healthier food options. Today, lupin is earning its place as one of the best ‘complete’ foods in Australia and across the world.
Lupin offers a wealth of advantages, with its high protein, high fiber, and low carb composition. It’s a good wheat substitute in baking and a non-GMO, gluten-free food source. Flour derived from lupins can be used to make pasta, biscuits, bread, cakes, and other pastry products. It can also be utilised as a sauce thickener, coating on fish and chicken for example, or blended with other fruits and vegetables to make healthy beverages. So, why should you try this superfood that dieters are raving about? From the information provided by medical professionals and expert dietitians in Australia, we’ve put together these 6 reasons why you need to eat lupin.
1. Good Source Of Protein (42g per 100g)
Protein plays a critical role in building muscle and ensuring the smooth operation of all systems in the human body. It also reduces cravings, lowers blood pressure levels, and helps your body repair itself after injury. More than that, protein is our main source of essential amino acids, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. One of the main benefits of lupin beans is their 42% protein content, making it a good meat substitute and provider of all the health advantages protein can offer.
2. High In Dietary Fibre (38g per 100g)
Fibre is important for preventing digestive problems and promoting gut health as food for probiotics. It acts as a natural laxative that softens stools and normalises bowel movement. It also helps you control cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and achieve a healthy weight. Adults are recommended to consume at least 30 grams of fibre daily, so a 100 gram serve of lupin is enough to meet your daily fibre requirement.
3. Low GI (low glycaemic Index)
The glycemic index (GI) is a system for ranking foods according to their effect on your blood sugar levels. Foods with a low GI value are a preferred choice for people trying to control their blood sugar and prevent or delay complications relating to diabetes. Moreover, consuming foods with low GI value aids in lowering cholesterol levels, losing weight, and reducing the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers. Lupin has the lowest GI rating among commonly eaten grains at only 1350kJ/100 grams. And, because lupin is slowly digested and absorbed, you feel full for longer and get a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar levels.
4. Low Carbohydrate Properties
Eating low-carb foods such as lupin is great for people who are trying to control their sugar levels and body weight. The 4% digestible carbs found in lupin are enough for you to get all the benefits of a nutritious carbohydrate. At the same time, it also makes it easier for your body to control blood sugar levels. Additionally, by consuming this low-carb bean, you experience fewer stomach problems, lesser cravings, and increased physical endurance – a slow burn on protein and energy. No wonder Australian Sweet lupin is a great alternative for making delicious keto-friendly baked products.
5. Contains Prebiotics
Prebiotic foods are high in fiber that promotes digestive health. They help encourage the increase of good bacteria in the gut, which helps prevent irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or bloating. Prebiotics also produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that can boost immunity and fight provide resistance to bad bacteria. Because lupin dietary fibre is a prebiotic, your body will have a balance of good and bad gut bacteria. As a result, your metabolic health will improve and your body will perform better at warding off infections and diseases. Moreover, your other body functions, including your mental health, will also improve.
6. Rich In Vitamins And Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are necessary for ensuring the healthy functioning of our bodies. We need them to help us grow, see correctly, and for the formation of bones, muscles, skin, and organs. More than that, we need vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies strong and able to fight infections and diseases. Australian Sweet Lupin is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), and Niacin (B3), as well as Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc. By using lupin for your daily food recipes, you can get a wealth of health advantages for many different purposes.
For these 6 reasons why you need to eat Australian Sweet Lupin, it’s easy to understand why it’s fast becoming popular everywhere. However, lupin belongs to the legume family and could cause similar allergic reactions for people allergic to peanuts. If you have a severe peanut allergy, best stay away from lupin or quickly see your doctor.
For more information on lupin and lupin-derived products, talk to our friendly staff at The Lupin Co. We can help you understand more about Australian Sweet Lupin as a food, how you can use them, and where you can easily find them. Check us out on our social media sites or drop us an email at enquiry@thelupinco.com.au You may also call us on +61 8 6263 1140.