Lupin Coconut Power Balls

Posted 23/01/2018

Recipe by Shara Gillow /
Prep time 25 minutes,  Makes 12


2 cups toasted Lupin Flakes
1¾ cups shredded coconut
¼ cup almond meal
¾ cup dates
6 tbsp water


1. Add Lupin Flakes to a hot dry pan and stir continuously over medium heat for 3 – 4 minutes until golden, or roast on a baking tray in a low oven (150°C) until golden.

2. Use a food processor or blender to combine all ingredients.

3. Roll into bite-size balls.

4. These can be stored in the freezer to keep their freshness longer.

Recipe Note!
For an added treat try rolling the balls in shredded coconut & chopped cranberries, or crushed almonds or even sesame seeds.

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